Lori Mortensen

Dec 3, 2019

Good News Monday

Updated: Mar 11, 2020

Some people don't like Mondays, but as a writer I'm always hopeful. Good news may be lurking just around the corner, and Monday, December 2, 2019, turned out to be a great day for good news. When I opened my email that morning, I discovered two things. First, that my picture book If Wendell Had a Walrus was an ILF (Indiana Library Federation) Young Hoosier Award Book that they'll be celebrating and promoting through their YouTube and Facebook pages. I was especially tickled to share the book award shelf with such other wonderful authors such as Kathleen Doherty (Don't Feed the Bear), Ame Dykman (Misunderstood Shark), Ryan T. Higgins (We Don't Eat our Classmates), and many others.

It was also the day that 24 Carrot Writing shared their Favorite Things for 2019 post that featured suggestions from several authors, including me. I was delighted to share a couple of my favorite things--the hidden page feature on my Wix website that's been so handy for manipulating website and promotional images, as well as my favorite Sarasa pens. (I always keep a stash on hand.) I also enjoyed reading everyone else's great suggestions that included calendars, cups, water-proof notepads, personalized carry bags, and literary writing gloves. (So many great ideas!) Click HERE to read the entire post of Favorite Things for 2019.
